Part 8 of a 12 part course on how to play Jerry Garcia’s awesome solo from the 7-4-89 Deal with the Grateful Dead. For the free & printable tab of this whole solo, keep scrolling down.

In this lesson, you will learn the guitar techniques that Jerry Garcia uses when improvising. You’ll also learn the music theory behind why his licks sound so good.

Jerry Garcia’s 7-4-89 Deal Solo with the Grateful Dead – Lick 8 of 12

Lick 8

  • Over lick 8, Jerry starts with using a classic lick in the E shape of the F# chord.

  • Over the B chord, we’ve got some chromaticism in the A shape, where Jerry targets the third and the fifth.

  • Jerry lets an open D note ring out, and I don’t think this was necessarily on purpose, because of how relatively intense his pick hand is going.
  • Over the D chord, we’ve got another classic pedal steel style lick.

PDF Tab for Jerry Garcia’s 7-4-89 Deal solo with the Grateful Dead: